Justin Kavanaugh - Dr. Ken Kinakin Podcast 6
[00:00:00] Justin Kavanaugh is a coach, and his specialty is in the area of speed and speed in different areas of different sports. Um, he's been known to troubleshoot and look at a number of different areas where the person where the athlete breaks down. And then from there can figure out what needs to happen.
So I'm really honored to have him here. He's great friend, super smart. Uh, let me bring you on here, Justin. Thank you so much for coming. Dr. Dan, appreciate it. And thank you. Absolutely. So let's get right into this. So the whole purpose of me putting on the summit is that how do you build professional referral relationships?
Um, so from yourself, you know, you, you mentioned before that, you know, this is your 5th Olympic cycle that you're going to be having athletes at the [00:01:00] Olympics. And so for you to feel comfortable and confident. To refer one of your high level clients to say another strength coach. Um, what, what qualifications do they need?
What are you looking for from a personality standpoint? But also even from an education standpoint. Structured, academic, and unstructured, whether it be experiential or even seminars. Sure, I think that in my situation, everything stems off of trust. And when you want to work with a coach, a physio, a chiropractor, you know, or another specialist, I think the highest priority is to make sure that your philosophies are aligned and it's really difficult to find out what someone's philosophy is, um, right off the bat, because people could give you these canned responses.
But what you're really probing is. Yeah. You're asking questions to other coaches and you're asking them for the purpose of trying to figure out what their core philosophies are. Mine is athlete comes first. You know, we [00:02:00] have a thought process in our building that says, you know, we are the one place where the coach's agenda is the athlete's goal.
And anyone that comes between that, right, is somebody that we don't want to be a part of. But if you want to help facilitate that, whatever the athlete's goal is, we're okay being on board with, because it will naturally navigate you to the answer. But you have to really find out what the philosophy of the other person is, because if they're conflicting ideologies, even if you like the person and they might do great work at some point, you're going to reach a chasm and they're going to separate.
And those are the relationships that you think about long term that you work with people that can become problematic. So how do you find someone's philosophy? What are some of the questions or strategies that you do if you were to sit down with someone? It's less to do with their credentials. It's more to do with You know, why are you doing this?
It really is. I mean, if it's financial gain, is it? Is it a notoriety play? Is it you like to help [00:03:00] people? Because if they say, you know, I really like serving clients, then, then let's serve them. Let's actually serve them. Let's do what a coach's job is, which is take someone from point A to point B. And who cares who gets the credit?
But if it's a credit based business, if it's a, how much money am I getting? Because we're going to, you know, work with a boxing athlete and they have a lot of money and there's a lot of margin in that sport or working with the track and field athlete in the glory, it's the most recognized Olympic sport in under 10 seconds, that's the greatest viewership on national television, but there's no money in it, well, then what are we doing it for?
And nobody really cares if you lose. So if you can't help my athlete win, I don't want you to be part of the team. And the questions for me come down to, you know, why are that, is that person doing it? And then you really start to like, It's a layered approach. You can't, you can't expect to just say, you know, Dr.
Ken, what's your philosophy? And then just ramble something on and be like, I resonate with that. Let's go with it. [00:04:00] And what you normally do is basically start to ask questions, um, that are situational, and if those questions. Answers are aligned with the philosophy that they initially intended to present.
Then I feel, um, more comfortable. And a lot of that comes down to just congruency with the person's actions and their, their answers. Cause oftentimes someone could say whatever they want. What would these questions be? So I would, you know, 1st off and say, like, you know, athlete has a hamstring injury. What would you know?
What are you thinking about doing? Would you take a look at it for me? And if I ask somebody to look at 1 of my pros or Olympic athletes, would you take a look at him for me? And their 1st response is, would Well, let's schedule you on the calendar or if it's, uh, yeah, sure. Let's talk to my assistant or sure.
Does it, do they take insurance? Do they have insurance? If these are the responses that we're getting, then I know that they're, they're, they're business logistic questions, right? Which means that his ideology comes from a foundation of business. [00:05:00] If he turns around and says. Sure, I'd love to help. Let me show you how I do that.
Then it says, okay, this is a path that I actually approach my business, but I would love to still do it. It's just knocking down that first domino. And you'll be surprised that if you do have this conversation with, you know, 10 people. Most of the time they're going to shut the door on the first response.
Seriously. So absolutely, because they're very selfish. Most people in general are selfish. I think coaches is coaching is selfish. Even if you're serving people, it's self fulfilling. And what would be a follow up question? So if, if I said, you know, would you take a look at this? You know, my athlete, and he said, well, I would love to.
Which then opens up the door and their response is, how would you like me to do that? I'm all in. Wow. That's a question. Yeah. Yeah. How would you like me to do that is very specific because it, it opens the door for them and it opens the door for you as the, as the [00:06:00] person in charge. I mean, a lot of my. My role in coaching is being a little bit of a chess master, moving pieces around and bringing people in that are better than me in specific specialties.
But whether you're better than me or not means nothing. If you don't have the best intentions for my athlete. Okay. And from an academic and also an experiential, um, like, you know, just having experience in mentorship, what would you be looking for? You know, as far as one of the elite, you know, coaches that is out there, especially in the speed world, because there's so few and there's literally legends, you know, like Charlie Francis was a real legend in that area.
And he was more than willing to share, you know, anything with anyone, as you know, cause you know, you, you knew him personally also. So what are some of the different things that you would say, you know what, this person has learned from this person or read these books or took these seminars, you know, mentored with this person, what's, what, what would be a good experience if [00:07:00] someone says, you know what, I'm a strength coach, I really want to focus in on speed and how to make someone faster.
What would you recommend? So I think that when you start looking at credentials. Right. Credentials builds confidence with, with people. Um, but experience, experience is more important. And in my career, like you mentioned my relationship with Charlie, I'm an adult now. I'd like to think so. My wife would argue with that.
Um, but my, my relationship with, with, with him was very youthful. Like it was very young in regarding my, my approach. I don't know what I knew now. I don't know now, but. I didn't know what I knew back then. I didn't have the same perspective on things as you become more experienced and more credentialed.
You see things differently. You look down on stuff and you start to have a better perspective in a different viewpoint. So. Anybody could say I worked with this person and then you just rub shoulders with that person. You could take a, I've seen people just shake a hand with somebody, take a picture and they claim that they did everything for that person [00:08:00] as an athlete.
It's pretty easy to tell when you start talking within circles. If you talk to athletes that are, um, that are connected, you ask that person something they're going to know. You know, who that coach is and their involvement. I care more about the depth of involvement that I, that I care about the amount of handshakes and autographs that you get.
Right. Right. So, you know, you see kids that collect autographs and they have it all over their walls. That's awesome. But you, you, you could go on eBay and buy those autographs. You could go to collections and buy those autographs. You could do the same thing in the strength and conditioning, physical therapy, doctor world that we're in.
You could just go in and meet all these people. But what you can't do is say, I've spent time with them, you know, and this, a lot of that comes down to, I care more about how much time you spent with somebody because it changes and elevates your perspective. Right. So I also people be. I would care more about people spending time with someone that is in the trenches than [00:09:00] in the classroom presenting the textbook.
So, if you tell me you have a 4 year degree or an 8 year degree in your doctor, that's great. And I think that those foundational principles will help guide you along the way. But if those same, let's say you got a degree, but then you, instead of getting your doctorate or master's degree in strength, conditioning, and you wanted to get some actual hands on work, and you spent.
Every single day for 6 months, I'm not asking you to spend 3 more years, but if they spend 6 months in your clinic, they're going to learn a lot more than they did get a doctorate degree. Right now, they're going to lose some kind of foundational principles that are they have to kind of maybe get later on, which I think the physical, the, uh, the PT or trainer community.
They do that a lot. They fast track their education by getting these certs and they automatically think that they're a physical therapist or a chiropractor. And that's very superficial and that causes a lot of problems because they don't know what lane they're in. However, the more that they're around the [00:10:00] who versus the certification or the credential, the what matters to me more than anything.
And I want to see someone who's in the hands, hands, hands on the hand on the ground. Right. So who, so I'm trying to get a name out of you. Who are the people that you would, that you would recommend, books, videos, seminars, who would you recommend? I'll give you, I'll give you my who's right. And I'm going to, I'm going to give it to you because of this 1 answer, 1 of the most recognized, 1 of the most repeated quotes that come out of my mouth from you says everything works until it doesn't.
Right. Yeah. So if you start thinking about that from a coach perspective, I think to myself, everything works. Oh crap. Until it doesn't. Then it comes. Who's the next person I have to see? Right. Dr. Eric Serrano. Right. Because of his holistic view on things. I'm going to look at Ian King because of his foundational principles.
And [00:11:00] because I don't feel like there's anybody that I've ever met that could analyze a body without it moving. As good as he can really, and I'm not talking about from a chiropractic standpoint or a physical preparation standpoint. I'm talking about from an energy standpoint. I've not met a human being on this planet that could walk in a room and go, I could turn him into a champion or that guy doesn't have it better than Ian King.
Nobody mind you. He's not known for that, but I've been in a room where I can literally just sense his energy and go, he sees something that I don't see. And when someone sees things that I don't see, and I'm known for a coach's eye associated with speed, which means things happen at full speed, then I'm impressed and Hank Krajinoff, um, who's, um, Very, very well known speed coach.
Um, he's actually, he's retired multiple times and he's now back and getting ready for the Olympics, uh, [00:12:00] this year in Tokyo, which is amazing. He's out in Holland. Uh, the best in the business. And, and, and you, you know, these guys are the best because. They're recognized for one thing, but when you meet them, Hank wrote a book on essential oils last year.
And you're like, well, what does that have to do with speed training? Right. That's awesome. It's fascinating. You know, Dr. Irina Korsunsky, I referenced her numerous times because of her work. And, um, and she was part of like, uh, the race for space and the cosmonaut program in Russia. And she's helped develop technologies that have helped heal people like the body's ability to heal itself.
There's the people that are like way outside of your field, but that are the best at what they do. You need to spend time with those people. Um, Karim Dahani, like, I don't, I'm in a, if I'm in a meeting with him or if I'm in a, uh, uh, overseeing, like, if I'm just like leaning over, listening to a conversation, he has about 90 percent of it.
Not [00:13:00] like I understand 90%, but 90 percent of it. I don't even understand. And then the 10 percent I thought I understood, I misunderstood. So it's so fascinating to me to be around people that have a depth of knowledge, but also a wide base. And I think the reason why they have such a wide base. Is because they have kind of taken their ego out of the equation.
They basically said, I'm doing everything to serve my clients or my coach or my athletes, and they're going to find the best person to get those resources. And just like when we asked for a referral or we looked for the relationship that we're interested in to help our clients, we got to do that out of search for what is the best for our athlete.
Right. Right. So let's, let's go into for you, you know, you, you being, you know, one of the top coaches dealing with a lot of athletes, no doubt, and especially, you know, you get a lot of [00:14:00] athletes ready for the combine and, you know, NFL and college and university, obviously there's going to be injuries. So what do you look for as far as, you know, what, I'm going to try and find a good Cairo, good physical therapist, good massage therapist, you know, what, what, what are the different components that you're looking for?
Yeah, so there's, I would say there's two things I would want. Number one, I want to make sure somebody is actually a specialist. So that's my first thing. They are absolute specialists, meaning they could take something and they've seen a bazillion shoulders and they know how to help them. If I'm bringing somebody to them, I want to make sure I can address it quickly.
Um, and then the other aspect of is, even though they're a specialist, they have a general, they have a generalist viewpoint where they could then maybe use, um, some people are not, gadget people. They don't like tools or technology and that's fine. If they have great hands, amazing on them. But oftentimes, chiros, physical therapists, they get [00:15:00] pigeonholed into technology and they only know how to use a percussor.
They only know how to do dry needling. They only know how to do ART. And I have nothing against any one of those modalities. But if you go to some of those specialists, the people that are Absolutely. And you know them, right? Whether it be ART or not, if you go to someone who's trained by the best, they actually have different, um, angles or approaches to that same, you know, methodology that were presented at a course.
And I think that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for somebody that is not every, no matter who shows up, they grab a percussor, you know, and, uh, and they just start banging on you or no matter who shows up with a soft tissue injury, they're dry needling it until you're in pain. Right. Or no matter who shows up at their door, you have bruises because they just did cupping.
And then the athlete leaves with tape. That's not physical therapy. That might as well be torture because they're not, they're not helping the athlete if they're doing things to make [00:16:00] them happy. Right. Right. I want to make sure I see a, a, a, a physio, a doctor, a Cairo that is not so, you know, pigeonholed in a, in a methodology that the only thing they know how to do is use the technology to enhance the experience.
You know what? I really agree with that because a lot of times, you know, we get limited and that happened in our own profession where we just adjusted as far as a chiropractor and we left the soft tissue alone, really didn't even acknowledge it. And now we're starting to see it more and more where there's adjuncts.
And so do you have, say, different chiropractors or physical therapists that say, you know what, this person is a back, you know, physio, this person is, you know, um, he's a chiro, he's fantastic for cervical, you know, issues or concussions, you know, do you have a, a, a group, a network of different health professionals that you actually go to based on their specialty and their interests?
Yeah, so I'm going to, I'm going to break this [00:17:00] down into 3 components and hopefully this will build everybody's network. So if you ask me, so I run a business, so not just a single coaching program, but I run a business that has to have, I have to know every mechanic painter plumber in my area. Because a parent or an athlete is going to come to me with a car problem, you know, a mechanical problem or a house problem.
And if I, if they expect me to help them with their training, they're going to expect me to, Hey, do you know somebody that's good? And we always have to know somebody that's good. But in our professional world, we don't know who the best doctors are, the best physical therapists are the best. Cairo is the best nutritionist in our area.
It's mind blowing to me. So everybody should have a, uh, in the middle of this circle, there should be you. Right. And then right on the outside of the circle, there should be all of the types of services that you don't provide. I don't provide chiropractic care, but you are definitely sure that your clients at some point within the work that you do with them [00:18:00] are going to need.
The next layer is the outer layer of that is the probably need within the scope of the work that you do and the career that you're going to have, most likely we're going to need a chiropractor at some point, you know, something's going to happen with whether it be performance or health or rehabilitation that we're probably going to need that.
And then on the outer layer, there's the main need. If you're an elite level athlete at the highest level, you may need an agent, right? If you do this training and athletic performance or career as an athlete for so long, you may need a surgeon, unfortunately. Right. You may need to know who to go to, to get evaluated, you know, by an MRI and see a picture.
And I can't, I can't look at a picture the same way you could, or the same way Dr. Schuller could look at it. So, the 1st thing I do is I look at [00:19:00] those rings and the 1st ring being the definite circle of service. I need to know exactly who I have. So, for me, it's PTs, right? Physical therapist. And physical therapists with specialties.
So somebody in your neck of the woods, May Maylin, right? Maylin Donovan, who, you know, well, she's not known for this, but I do not know many people that could work a shoulder as good as she, but I, but she's not known for shoulders or she's not known for back. She's not known for knees. She has got a general presentation to the world.
For a lot of really good abilities, but at the highest level, if you work on her, her, her work that she does on the shoulder is unbelievable. Oh, that's great. And I think what's often interesting is people market themselves to certain things, but when you go to them, they're like, I got this right. And when someone says, I got this, it gives you a sense of confidence.
Right, right. So I'm looking for somebody that is. In the most common areas that my athletes might deal with. [00:20:00] So for next, Dr. Tom Schuller is the spine specialist. He runs a spinal research center here in the United States, but he's actually the best cervical spine doctor that I've ever met. And so he's the guy I would go to.
If you're trying to do non invasive work and you want to work on backs, you know, there's a guy up in your neck of the woods. It's pretty good too. Right. And Stu McGill's kind of check that box. Yeah. Um, And I, I think that everybody has to have that, like, definitely need circle dialed in and I look at nutritionist.
I look at people that are Jason deer is a great example of somebody. If I'm going to do supplementation, um, he's the guy I go to and he's very. Aligned philosophically with Dr. Serrano, because he spent a lot of time with Eric. So somebody who has spent a lot of time with somebody who I look up to, or somebody who I've spent time with, and those philosophies align, I know that we're immediately speaking a common language, [00:21:00] and that allows us as, as coaches to move faster.
Where we don't have to spend time understanding your jargon because there's a lot of coaches and a lot of physios and a lot of trainers that will talk to you like they're smarter than you. And I'm just like, look, I don't have time for that. My athlete doesn't care about all of these amazing scientific jargon that you just used, right?
If it doesn't help me, stop wasting my time. So I would break up those three, um, rings. And make sure that you write those down and then start to analyze who those people are in your world. I like that. I really like it because it's, you know, it's, it's such a great visual that, you know, you got yourself and then you, you keep going out based on the need, the, the intensity, the specialty, the, uh, proximity.
You know, as far as how close are they, they're too far, you know, that makes it, you know, and when you start to think about when you start to think about you in the middle of this ring [00:22:00] and then other people on the outside in different layers of that kind of orbital system, what you'll realize is that if you are always triangulating those, Conversations between the specialties, they're going to always point back to you, which will allow and help your business.
Even if you're not serving the client, you could actually refer out and that network will help you. So if, if I get a client that comes to me and says, I would really like to work with you, and I said, based upon what I see, you're better off working with somebody else, and that someone else is somebody that I've already got a relationship with, I know it's going to come back to me tenfold.
Yeah, it does. It really, really does. And, and so let's go into that in the sense of. You know, there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be watching these videos that are looking for a good strength coach, a good personal trainer, uh, a good coach in general. Um, what are some of the different attributes?
What are the different questions that someone could [00:23:00] ask this, you know, as far as, you know, what this person seems really, really good. What, what recommendation would you give a high level athlete or even a low level athlete? It doesn't really matter that, you know, they would feel comfortable, confident to.
Say, you know what, let me work with you for three months, six months, give you money for your time and your expertise. What advice do you, would you give? Number one, what are your non negotiables, right? So for me, a non negotiable is not necessarily exercise selection. It's not necessarily, um, it's understanding first and foremost, like what's their injury rate, what's their success rate.
And the reason why I say this is because the majority of people do not win. Like, and I say this with an arrogant, cocky mentality, the majority of trainers, the majority of strength coaches, the majority of performance experts or whatever you want to call them. They don't win because there's just not enough room for winning the same group of people year in and year out when almost every [00:24:00] time I am, I am as confident as it comes when I say I am one of those people, right?
And it doesn't matter if it's a figure skating or speed training or strength sports or team sports, I'm going to win and I'm going to find a way to win. And. Even though there are people that have amazing resumes, they still sometimes don't win. And there's something to be said about that. They have all of the ability.
They have all the expertise. No one's going to follow those people. They lose. They sound good, but they're very short lived careers. The majority of my clients I've had for years, almost a decade plus some of them. Wow. That says a lot. That says a lot. And, and I think that it's, it's interesting because you could take a person and just do quick transitions with them.
You could take a person that's already a strength coach and he's on it. He's getting only successful people [00:25:00] already. How much success are they having after you? Right? And how can you, can you take somebody and transform them and develop them from a youth age all the way to the pros? There's people that are better at youth.
Athletes than I am. They're just better. They're better personalities. They're nicer. They just because that window of training is, is about fun. It's about experience. It's about enjoyment. And I wouldn't say I'm the most fun guy to be around, especially if my, my pursuit of excellence is at a certain level.
My standards are higher than most people. Well, my winning rate is higher than most people too. So I want to see the people that are very successful. And if you look at the CFL Canadian football league, there's a reason why Danny McManus is very successful. He's a, you know, he was, he was a player there, but he's now in the, in the front office, wherever he goes, whether it be Hamilton or Ontario, they start to win.
It's not that hard to figure out [00:26:00] in hockey, in baseball and in soccer and American football. There's a reason why Nick Saban wins. He doesn't do everything right. But his standard for excellence is so high that being average is just not acceptable. Wow. So look at your strength coach's winning record and then look at the retention and the injury rates.
Actually, you know, that's really, really important. You know, Ian King talked about that also, you know, I interviewed him yesterday and he said, you know what, his whole focus is to try and take an athlete to five Olympics, which is 20 years. And at the end of that, they retire not because they're injured.
But because they're just done, they just don't want to do it anymore. And I think that's really, really important that you think longterm and you find out what the actual athlete wants, you know, and how bad do they actually want it in the sense of, here's a great example for everyone listening. [00:27:00] Like, I've mentioned and you just interviewed him yesterday.
If someone's listening to this, and they don't look him up, they're doing them a disservice. If they, they just see that you're wearing a blue shirt and a yellow tie, and you're interviewing all these experts, but they don't realize why you don't have all of these connections and you might be the only human on earth that could get every single 1 of these experts and egos in the same room without each other, without each of us killing each other, then they, they have missed the greatest part of this entire thing.
Which is you're the only human I've ever met that could put us all in the room and it not look like Game of Thrones. That's true, right? And we're all laughing and joking and high fiving people. And we thought like, Oh my God, I didn't think, I didn't think I liked that guy. And until Ken puts us together, it's the greatest thing in the world.
So that's the first piece of advice I'm going to be comfortable giving. The second thing is you talked about Ian putting somebody in five Olympic cycles. Ian's been coaching longer than I've been alive. That's awesome. Give him the credit. That's great. And. I [00:28:00] obviously think that he is at a different level and that's amazing.
And there's a lot of people like that, but that, that I'm looking for wisdom, right? So I want to fast track my youthful, my young career. I'm in this for 20 years. Next year will be 20 years of me doing this. You talked about the book that you pushed me to write. Remember? That was four years ago. That book's out.
That book was four. That's four years ago. Yeah. And you're the one who puts me to write it. And you're like, it's been that long. I'm like, yeah, it's been that long. So if I hear, if I listened from Ian, I'm just fast track my education. That doesn't mean I get to fast track my results. So I take that a very similar approach.
I have a kid right now, Jason Rogers. He's a two time Olympian. He's getting ready for his third Olympics in Tokyo. He's a hundred meter runner, right? Him and I are talking because he thought he was going to hang it up last year. And now we're talking about him running in Paris. Wow. And we're now talking about his sister being able to run in LA.
And he's [00:29:00] talking to me about what do I have to do so that my sister could run in L. A. and I could be in a position to where my daughter would want to do this. Like that, that means more to me than the training that we do every day, because that means that he's starting to take my philosophy and live my philosophy.
Now, crazy thing about it. Charlie was from St. Kitts. Charlie like worked at St. Kitts. People don't realize that before he went to Canada. It's from St. Kitts. So you're talking about like such a small world and saying kids as an Island's got 75, 000 people on it. That's it You know, I go to Jamaica and coach an athlete and honestly I drive by four or five Olympians that are on the side of the road.
I don't work in their shovel and dirt But they're Olympians you do that in any other country and they're you know, they're glorified So I appreciate the perspective and the wisdom of people that came before me like you mentioned earlier You That's so much good information. [00:30:00] The last the last question I want to ask you is that so for a strength coach, personal trainer been shut down here for 14 months, similar to to yourself where you are.
And you know what? What advice would you have the strength coach or personal trainer to on Monday morning? What's an action step? You know, I know you're very similar to myself as far as philosophy is great. Theory is great. What's a good action step? That someone could do, you know, to, to create, to build this professional, you know, referral relationship.
Everyone's always talking about networks. I'm always on, you know what, just start with one person. Start with one person and from there you can actually network and then build, you know, your, your network, what it be. What advice would you give someone? I would say that if they didn't take advantage of the time that they had, where everybody was at home and everybody was in front of a computer and everybody was, you know, inhibited at some level, then they probably aren't going to give do the advice that I'm going to [00:31:00] recommend.
So, that's the 1st thing and it's a challenge because there's some people listening to this right now that have been sit on their button. They haven't been doing anything and they became a victim of the circumstances. While we're over there, I'm training older, multiple time Olympians. Because a bunch of young guys have been complaining and they don't have the maturity to handle this adversity.
And now we're getting ready to go to a third Olympic cycle because we have the maturity to handle this situation. So. Tomorrow Monday, as you guys go and approach your week and you need a network with somebody Understand that that those other people are in the same circumstances that you're in So if you are asking for something, you're probably going to lose But if you say hey, I want to I want to see how I can help and work together Um, then they're probably going to be more interested.
Wow. So That's how can you somebody else? That is the biggest powerful Yeah, it's the biggest thing. So right now the amount of, so at some point the world will open [00:32:00] up and what's going to happen is this is the industry forever and, and, and. Ken, you've been in it for so long and you've seen this. It's at some point it's this big and then it shrinks and then it gets exciting and then it expands.
You know, those like, uh, Adam, uh, expanders that they all use in science class. Buckminster fuller. Yeah. Yes. So they expect they contract and then they expand, they contract and they expand. So what happens is, is as the industry contracts, if you accelerate at some level, you're not going to get to where you want to be where you were earlier.
But if you can just get to the edge of this, when the industry does boom, you're going to be on the outside and you'll accelerate through most of these problems. But most of you, or most of the people listening to this, as it contracted, as there's been more restrictions, you've restricted and you became a victim and you got smaller to the core of the problem.[00:33:00]
And now you just became just like everybody else in the herd. And then when it expands, you'll just move a little bit. Right. And you're going to watch everybody on the internet or on social media or in your communities that are going to be booming. And you're going to be like, I'm better than him. I'm better than that guy.
And you're going to whine and bitch and complain about it. And the only thing I can tell you is, well, no, they're better than you because they're serving people. And if you are tired of watching people that you're better than serve people, then make sure you get to that client first and make sure you get to that client in a way that showcases you as the better solution.
I don't have to go to a lot of people. Most people find me. And the reason why they find me is they're saying, I don't know what it is, something about you. And I wish I could figure out what that is because I haven't been able to kind of bottle it up. But I know that there's something about what I do that people are attracted to.
[00:34:00] So I'm going to stay doing that. And I'm going to always search. I'm going to always search for winning mentalities. And that's what I'm looking forward to is constantly in search for a mentality that is of excellence. Wow. Such great words, Justin, so many great pearls of wisdom in what you just said in the different concepts and you know what, and you know, you know what people just need to man up.
Female, male, you know, whatever gender that you want to be, you know, it's really important that we take Advantage and and you can get this on amazon, correct? It is. Yeah, it's a it's a quick read I I it's a come to jesus meeting for an athlete That is not happy with the circumstances they're in. That's all it is.
It's what I would do if an athlete was coming to me, whining, complaining about, I'm not happy where I am. That's all it is. This is what I would do. This is where I'll start. Uh, such, such great words. Justin, thank you so much for spending [00:35:00] time with me. Thank you.